Here’s a link to a good article about play therapy with kids that appeared in today’s (7/22/20) New York Times:

Play Therapy Can Help Kids Speak the Unspeakable

Grief is a normal, healthy expectable response of children and adolescents to the loss of a loved person, object, capacity or wish. It can involve everything from death of a grandparent, parent, sibling, pet or friend, or even the need to face a special limitation or handicap that the child

Many people who have some idea about the work of the Swiss psychiatrist, C.G. Jung (1875-1961) know that there was a time he worked with Sigmund Freud and that he was responsible for developing the idea of the collective unconscious. They may also be familiar with some of the archetypes

The question of social justice and racial oppression looms large in the collective psyche these days. Clearly, despite the election of Barack Obama almost eight years ago, the U.S. is not a post-racial society, and the disparities between African Americans and Caucasians in income, education, incarceration rates and many other

We have learned in recent decades just how much social interaction influences infant development, including the actual structure and function of the brain as well as patterns for self concept and interpersonal relations that continue to influence us over the arc of life. Jung was not particularly drawn to an

In this entry I want to say something that could be helpful in deciding among psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and Jungian analysis.  People offering these services may be M.D.’s (psychiatrists) Ph.D.’s (psychologists or other advanced clinical disciplines), L.C.S.W.’s (Licensed Clinical Social Workers) or M.F.T.’s (Marriage, Family, Child Therapists). These specializations each offer ways to

My job is to help people – not only with their “problems” but with themselves!  The kind of growth that can happen in this way requires a trusting working relationship built on caring, warmth, support, consistency, reliability, and genuineness.  While these personal qualities are important, the ability to guide someone through a change process also requires